Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Republican Primary

Readers of this blog, on the web version, know that I have a campaign logo for Bill Weld on the sidebar. However, they may not know who Bill Weld is. Weld is challenging Donald Trump, and hopes to be on the Republican primary ballot. I believe that his effort was greatly enhanced this past weekend when Joe Walsh also announced his candidacy.

Although I doubt that Trump would participate, perhaps a network will sponsor a debate between Weld and Walsh. A debate might give the notion of a Republican coup some traction. Although the two men are quite different, both bring experience and reason to the table. Both men articulate how Republicans are dissatisfied with Trump's demeanor, but the question of course would be if there is enough political courage to dump an incumbent.

Hopefully, only one of the challengers will end up on the primary ballot, because two them on the ballot would split the Republican dissatisfaction to Trump's advantage.

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