Pennsylvania's Josh Shapiro was a rising star in the world of Democratic politics for ten minutes. On Wednesday afternoon he started to disqualify himself, and he didn't even know it.
Shapiro's problem goes back to a seemingly good appointment, Pat Browne to Director of Revenue. Browne, as a former state senator, was the architect of the Neighborhood Improvement District (NIZ), which seemingly revitalized Allentown, the state's third largest city. This transformation was seemingly chronicled by the Morning Call, one of the few remaining newspapers in the state. If I seem to be using seemingly repeatedly, it is because not everything, especially in politics and newspapers, is as it appears.
Allentown's former glory days main shopping street was transformed from a declined mercantile district into a new urban office park. The back story as it was unfolding, which isn't so pretty, was limited to this blog. The former merchants were given the heave-ho with threats of eminent domain. Almost all the parcels and new buildings ended up being owned by one man, who happens to be the childhood friend of Pat Browne. Almost all the new businesses which located into this new urban office park were poached by this chosen developer, at the expense of the surrounding suburban office parks. All the previous state taxes going to Harrisburg now went to this developer's debt service. A billion dollar empire of new, privately owned office and apartments, all owned by one man, being paid for by state taxes. New building by new building was promoted by the newspaper, article after article. Browne had cleverly included the newspaper building in the NIZ zone, and even that was gobbled up by the developer. New governor Shapiro reading those newspaper promotions noticed Browne's talent, and appointed him to be his revenue director.
Because almost all the NIZ tax revenue information actually pertains to only one man, Browne on the way out the senate door, amended that information to be confidential. Browne certainly succeeded in creating a strong lockbox for his scheme. Shapiro's office issued this statement after Jarrett Coleman issued the subpoena...the Department of Revenue must continue to follow the law and has respectfully declined to provide this confidential information,”
It is my hope that Shapiro is naive, not complicit. Time will tell.
ADDENDUM: Time ended up telling pretty quickly. I've been informed that the developer made a very large contribution to candidate Shapiro when he was running. It appears that the naive one was me, when I wrote the above post. Perhaps I'm also being naive about Shapiro disqualifying himself from national office because of such questionable contributions, maybe in today's reality he's learning the big boy ropes.
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